
Why You Should Learn CPR

By Vincenza Keenan, Waynesville Macaroni Kid Publisher Mom May 21, 2013
Ever see a headline about a child drowning and wonder "Where in the world were the parents?" Ever think "There is no way that would ever happen to my family." So did we... until the tragic evening in October when my heart stopped and my mind raced after I received a phone call  that changed my family's life forever.

My sister was originally told her 17 month-old son would not make it through the night. Several states away, my husband, children, brother and a friend anxiously stood by the telephone waiting to find out what was happening. The next day we all drove to visit my nephew in NICU still not really knowing his fate. Tears, worry, breathing machines, tubes, test after test, prayers and questions--
not from our family and friends, but from Authorities trying to find out if there had been neglect. This is the last thing any parent wants to deal with when they do not know if there child will live.
My sister is a wonderful mother. She is well known in the community because she is a stay at home mom that goes to every school function for her two older boys. She volunteers at the schools and makes birthday crafts. My brother in law, a well known videographer has captured many memories of local community weddings and is a well-known talent in the local commercial business. He has worked hard to make sure his family has a life that is comfortable. NO ONE WOULD HAVE EVER THOUGHT THIS COULD HAPPEN TO THEIR FAMILY.

My sister was in the bedroom helping her six year-old with homework. Dad was in the living room watching their four year-old  and 17 month-old sons at the time. He walked away for less then a minute to check on my sister and her oldest boy. My nephew made his way out the back door. A blink of an eye was all it took to change their world.
My sister performed CPR until the medics arrived (It still haunts me to think of her trying to breathe for her child.) Their screams were heard from neighbors nearby in their upscale, gated community,  the community that became a miracle to our family when they held fundraisers for my nephew and offered their continued support for my sisters family. 

The wonderful, amazing news is that my nephew is now home! Yes, home! Part of the reason is my sister knew to react and perform CPR immediately. Without the CPR there is no way that my nephew would be here today. 

My nephew receives extensive therapy. His birthday is April 22nd, and he will be two years old. He still is having trouble seeing but follows shapes and noises. He has a trach and a feeding tube but each time a test is done on his swallowing he is doing better. It won't be too long before he will have the trach and feeding tube out and will be eating on his own again.

The other day on Facebook, I saw that my nephew has over 1,000 friends from all over the country offering support and leaving encouraging messages. There was a picture of my nephew on the page that made me so thankful my heart could burst. He was in a typical baby pose, on his tummy, pushing up on his arms, holding his head up and smiling! 

I am very lucky to be part of the Macaroni Kid family so I can share this story--a story that must be told so that we as parents can get past the mentality that "This can't happen to us".

Whether you own a pool, visit a local beach, or just go fishing at the lake...get your children into a water safety class, and learn CPR so that your family will never have to experience such a potentially life altering event as the drowning of a child. 

Even with the progress my nephew has made, my family will never be the same. We all look at our children differently. We hang on a little tighter, cry a little more, laugh a lot more and celebrate life more because now we know more than ever how quickly things can change --in a blink of an eye.