
Family Heart Health

February is American Heart Month--How your family can celebrate

By Tammy McKillip February 24, 2015
February is Family Heart Health month, so we here at Macaroni Kid want to remind you that what you feed your child now will affect her heart health for the rest of her life. Reduce the risk of future heart disease and diabetes in your kids by feeding your family a heart-healthy diet of whole grains and high fiber fruits and vegetables. Avoid saturated and trans fats as much as possible, and opt for low-cholesterol monounsaturated fats instead. Control portion sizes, and encourage your kids to measure out snack foods and eat them from a bowl or plate, rather than snacking directly from a bag.

Keep Them Moving

Aside from diet, lack of exercise is the other major preventable contributor to the development of heart disease in children. The American Heart Association suggests kids get a minimum of 60 minutes of exercise each day to help control weight, reduce blood pressure, increase confidence and self-esteem and lower the risk of diabetes and some types of cancer.

  • Limit screen time, and encourage your kids to participate in group or individual sports, jump on the trampoline, take walks, jog, swim or run around in the yard. If weather is preventing outdoor activity, purchase or rent a yoga or exercise instructional program they can do in front of the TV.

  • Don't be a stick in the mud! Your kids will follow your lead, so make time each week for family exercise. If you belong to a health club, go for a swim or play ball with your kids. Strap on a pair of skates, and enjoy an afternoon at the rink with the family. If you're not into sports, crank up the volume on your stereo and teach your kids how to jitterbug. The important thing is to make movement fun.

For more tips on keeping your family heart-healthy, visit the American Heart Association.