
16 Tips to Keep Your Family Safe on Their Bikes

By National Highway Traffic Safety Administration June 26, 2018

Many of our Mac Kids are using their bikes this summer. Share this great info from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration with them to ensure that they get where they are going safely. 

Be prepared before heading out

  • Drive a bike that fits you - if it's too big, it's harder to control the bike.
  • Drive a bike that works - it really doesn't matter how well you drive if the brakes don't work.
  • Wear and use equipment to protect you and make you more visible to others such as a bike helmet, bright clothing (during the day), reflective gear, white front light red rear light, and reflectors on your bike (at night, or when visibility is poor).
  • Plan your route - choose routes with less traffic and slower speeds. Your safest route may be away from traffic altogether, like in a bike lane or on a bike path.

Ride smart 

  • Be serious; don't mess around in traffic. While biking is fun, driving around traffic isn't a game and your bike isn't a toy.
  • Ride one per seat, with both hands on the handlebars, unless signaling a turn. Carry all items in a backpack or strapped to the back of the bike.
  • Tie your shoelaces and tuck in pant legs so they don't get caught in your bike chain.
  • Use your eyes and ears, staying focused at all times.
  • No texting, listening to music, or using anything that distracts you by taking your eyes and ears, or your mind, off the road and traffic.

Know the rules 

  • Be aware of others using the road. Discuss with an adult the dos and don'ts of roadway behavior.
  • Look before entering traffic. Look left-right-left for traffic before entering a roadway. This includes coming out of a residential driveway, a commercial driveway (store or parking lot), alleyway, or when continuing in traffic from a stop sign or light.
  • Learn and follow the rules of the road for your own safety and the safety of others:
    • Drive with the flow, in the same direction as traffic.
    • Obey street signs, signals, and road markings, just like a car.
    • Wear reflective material on your body and bike, and use white front lights and red rear lights/reflectors as required by law, if you ride at night or at dusk, dawn, in fog, or rain.

Drive predictably

  • By driving predictably, you give motorists a sense of what you intend to do so they can react to avoid a crash.
  • Drive where you are expected to be seen, travel in the same direction as traffic, drive in a straight line (not in and out of traffic), and signal and look over your shoulder before changing lane position or turning.
  • Avoid or minimize sidewalk riding - it is not predictable behavior. Cars don't expect to see moving traffic on a sidewalk and don't look for you when backing out of a driveway or turning. Sidewalks sometimes end unexpectedly, forcing the bicyclist into the road when a car isn't expecting to look for bicycles.
  • If you must ride on the sidewalk, remember to:
    • Check your local laws to make sure sidewalk riding is legal.
    • Watch for pedestrians.
    • Pass pedestrians with care by first announcing "on your left," or "passing on your left," or use a bell.
    • Ride in the same direction as traffic. This way, if the sidewalk ends, you are already riding with the flow of traffic. If crossing a street, motorists will look left-right-left for traffic. When you are to the driver's left, the driver is more likely to see you.
    • Slow and look for traffic (left-right-left and behind) when crossing a street from a sidewalk; be prepared to stop and follow the pedestrian signals.
    • Slow down and look for cars backing out of driveways or turning.